Monday, May 14, 2007

Give a little...

I've taken a little time lately to reflect on the the blessings that life has bestowed upon me. It seems that far too often we as a collective are quick to point out the aspects in which we feel we've been slighted in life. This is especially true of us young, go getter types, in which roles have not been traditionally defined. Let me explain... In a simpler time, we as men, have had a traditional role. We work, we provide, our sacrifices are appreciated as what they are. However, traditional roles have taken a backseat to modern roles, and because of which, our new roles are not so clearly defined. Though learned we are, we sometimes find ourselves confused because now, we compete on equal ground with our significant others in the workplace. (Which is the natural order of things.) But, the basis of the male identity is that which must be appreciated in it's own right. The "atta boy's" that once were commonplace in the "good 'ol boy" world have been replaced with staunch realities which include, but are not limited to, "This could have been done better this way or that..." In a scenario similar to this, we must be able to rely on those those closest to us to fill a void that previously did not exist. The role of the validator. Please correct me if I am wrong or appear to be ranting. Most of us, whether it be in business, service, or industry strive to reach a certain pinnacle. That which we may stand back and take pride in the effort we have put forth & be proud. Hold in our hand, see the bottom line, or go the extra mile & feel that what we have done was worth while, not just a means to a paycheck, but a job well done. I do not praise or persecute society for being this way, more so than point out that sometimes we, as men, need to know from the soles of our feet to the top of our head, that the efforts put forward are meaningful and appreciated. We sometimes need the reassurance of those closest to us, that our efforts are not in vain & do not go unnoticed. We are not the emotionless automatons that we have been dictated to that we must be, & every now & again we feel that we need those closest to us, whether it be man, woman or child, can see the value in the subtle battles and compromises that today's man must struggle through. Furthermore, we, (or at at least, I...) Need to be told.... "Good job, you have done well." So, for those of you reading this, have you done all you can to deserve the kudos of your loved ones? & more importantly, if so, have you shown the appreciation to those whom you love which so desperately deserve to hear so? I seem to think that each and every one of us knows we can benefit with doing a little more of both. ~end rant~

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Shaving Tip of the Week

Try to shave after a hot shower. Prolonged exposure to warm water begins to soften the hair. Furthermore, It's a great idea to use a shave brush to apply your lather. The shave brush not only gently exfoliates the skin on your face, it also further prepares you for a closer shave by lifting the hairs.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Business Casual For Dummies

Over the last few years, the face of corporate America has changed drastically. Casual Fridays have become casual everyday & sometimes it's tough for a guy to know exactly what's acceptable & what makes him look like it must be laundry day. Here are a few tips on how to pull off a business casual wardrobe that's easy & works.

-When in doubt?-
Starting a new job or a new position in the same company? First things first, you never want to under dress for the 1st day of any new job, so, err on the side of the conservative. (Same goes for a job interview!) White dress shirt, dark slacks, tie and LACED black shoes are a must.

-Consistency is key-
There may be those people in your office that show up to work like they just rolled out of bed & walked into work. DO NOT become one of these people. If your business casual between Monday & Thursday, why then, would you dress down even further on Friday? Instead of pulling on that pair of jeans & a T-shirt, why not just khakis & a polo shirt? The way you dress influences the way people view you on the job. Stay consistent, you never know who you may run into even on a Friday.

This category is short & sweet. No Jeans. No T-shirts. No sweats. No baseball caps. No sneakers.

Keep It Simple Stupid! No need to pick up that mustard yellow plaid suit set that you saw at the discount store. All that would say is, "I'm trying way too hard." Odds are you have at least most of the things you need for a basic business casual wardrobe already. & if not I'm sure I can steer you toward some basic essentials.

-Men's Essentials:
-Long sleeve dress shirts or button down Oxford style shirts. Avoid loud prints & plaids & stick with either white or blue solids or pinstripes. (Ties are optional.)

-Dress slacks, khaki pants or Dockers, corduroy & wool or linen slacks are all acceptable. Start with black, brown, charcoal grey & khaki. If your starting from scratch pick up at least 3 different colors & change the look up from day to day with different shirt/tie combinations. Again NO jeans!

-Socks MUST match your pants not your shoes. Black socks may be paired with navy blue pants in a pinch. But pick up enough pairs of socks to get you through an entire week of work.

-Shoes pull together an outfit like you cannot believe. Laced dress shoes or oxfords for a more conservative look or loafers for a more casual feel. (Black or brown only guys.)Wing tips are acceptable & add a certain flair to your look. Keep your shoes clean & polished, tattered shoes will spoil your whole look.

-An optional piece that pulls an outfit together really well is a sport coat. if you go this route, stick with a pretty conservative coat. Stay with black, navy or charcoal grey. You can pair any of these with dark colored pants to really complete a look.

~Stay Sharp~

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Nancy Boy Signature Shave Cream

Some time back, I became fed up with the lack of quality shaves I was receiving from my electric razor. Although I was getting quick & relatively close shaves, I just never got that "Close as a blade" feeling. That's when I happened across my Dad's old Gillette Sensor & Williams soap. I abandon the electric with no remorse. Little did I know, that my daily shave would eventually become one of the highlights of my day.

Since getting back into the swing of shaving with a razor every morning, my routine & equipment has evolved. I have ditched the old Gillette Sensor & Williams soap & began my search for the best tools I could find. That's when I caught wind of a little shop right here in the San Francisco Bay Area called; Nancy Boy, inc. My sister works nearby & recently picked up a tub of their "Signature Shave Cream". So this morning I put it to the test.

I soaked my brush in hot water while I showered, (As always.) grabbed my trusty shaving bowl & opened up the travel sized tub of cream. The cream seemed light & airy & I immediately smelled the very light, slightly menthol scent. I read the tub for ingredients & found listed; aloe leaf, avocado oil as well as cucumber extract. it has a very pleasant scent (Which includes; lavender, peppermint & rosemary essential oils & bitter orange flower extract) that only smelled better as I began to work the cream into a lather. As I swirled the brush into the cream, the lather burst forth from the bowl the way some of my English shave creams do. Once I had created a proper lather, I began brushing it onto my face & neck. Once again, I absolutely loved the scent & the menthol feeling was very pleasant & not overpoweringly cold.

First pass with the grain & I knew I had found a winner. The cream proved to be a superior product providing excellent cushion & protection while also retaining a great deal of lubricity. My razor effortlessly glided through the two days worth of stubble which I had grown. I wet down my face again & re lathered for pass number two. This time against the grain, although against the grain can be tricky & sometimes impossible for some men, it provides me the closeness that I'm looking for. Once again, I was impressed with the way that the Nancy Boy cream performed. No nicks, no razor burn, a nice scent & pleasant cooling effect when all is said & done.

At the end of the day, it turns out that Nancy Boy Signature Shave Cream is a top notch product that deserves to be in any man's bathroom. There is no reason why I would not compare it to any of the top English creams that I have tried & would have to provide this product with my highest recommendation.

Nancy Boy, Inc.
347 Hayes Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Shaving Tip of the Week

Use an after shave lotion to refresh and tone the skin after shaving. Men with sensitive skin should consider using alcohol free after shave balm. This contains aloe vera, mildly antiseptic witch hazel and a light fragrance.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hot Under the Colander

There a few of us out there who may be looking for new & exciting ways to impress a girl of which we just started dating. Then again, there are a few of us who just wish to add a new wrinkle to the all too normal routine. Whichever the case, an often overlooked skill which is sure to impress is the Man's ability to dazzle her in the kitchen. There are some of us that feel rather at home in the kitchen, but then again there are those of us who's culinary expertise begins & ends with the words, "Grilled cheese". Fear not, for we must all begin somewhere & for some of you, your journey will begin here.

I believe that those of us who can at least hold our head above water in the kitchen add a certain level of complexity to our game that women seem very intrigued with. Some women might even find that watching their man (or date) showing some proficiency in the kitchen is a sexy experience indeed. Don't believe me? Then maybe you should give it a try & find out for yourself!

Cooking for a women is a great way to invite a girl to your place without seeming like all you have cooking are some bad intentions. Or, for those of us with little ones, it's a great excuse to put the baby to bed an hour early & uncork a bottle of wine. (Which I actually did tonight.) First, get all your shopping done for the nights meal earlier in the day, so that when your date shows up she only has to pull up a chair in the kitchen & keep you company as you turn up the heat on your night. It's a great opportunity to let her talk & a great opportunity for you to listen. You may be surprised at how entertaining the stories of her & her friends can really get. (Especially as she pours herself that second glass of wine.) The fact that your busy getting dinner worked up will keep those awkward 2nd or 3rd date moments from destroying your conversation. Keep her talking while your cooking & you'll be just fine.

No need to get fancy with what's on the menu, but then again, no need for her not to THINK you busted your butt for her. Here's a great dinner that's sure to impress as well as be on the table in less than a half an hour:

Chicken Pesto Linguine

Shopping list:
9oz fresh (or dried) packaged linguine
2ea 6oz boneless skinless chicken breast

7oz pre made pesto sauce of choice

2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2oz toasted pine nuts

1/4 tsp crushed red pepper (optional)

1 generous pinch of kosher salt

4 sprigs of fresh rosemary

2 large eggs

Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees

Cook pasta as per package instructions until al dente

Heat a cast iron skillet to medium-high

Salt & pepper both sides of the chicken breast

Add 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil to skillet & lay whole sprigs of rosemary on bottom of skillet

Sear chicken on top of rosemary in skillet for 5 minutes per side.

Carefully place entire skillet with chicken into 350 degree oven for 10 minutes

~With 5 minutes left on chicken; heat a large nonstick pan over medium heat.~

Add 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil & crushed red pepper

Add entire 7oz container of pesto sauce & stir to heat

Add in pasta & toss. Crack both eggs into pasta & toss until pasta is completely coated. (1-2 minutes)

Remove chicken & slice into medallions.

Plate pasta & top with toasted pine nuts & then with chicken medallions.

Garnish with small rosemary sprig & serve with crusty bread & bottle of wine. (Chardonnay is easy & works well.)


Give it a try. I promise she'll be impressed & you just might impress yourself along the way. You can follow it up with a store bought slice of cheesecake for dessert. But, if you played your cards right, dessert might just be, "on her".
~Bon appetite~

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Shaving Tip Of The Week

What Causes Razor Bumps?

When you shave against the grain, you are pushing the hair and it starts growing under the skin. This creates bumps. So shave with the grain!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Welcome to Dangerously Sharp

Hello & welcome to Dangerously Sharp. Let me begin with a brief introduction followed by why I decided to start writing this column. I am a 32 year old, "Regular guy". By that I mean I am by no means rich, I am married and a have an 8 month old son & work a regular 9-5 type job. I'm writing this blog to share with all the other regular guys out there, (As well as anyone else interested in reading.) little tips & tricks, product reviews as well as opinions on topics such as; men's grooming & fashion, cooking & recipes as well as my point of view on women & relationships.

After several decades of what I perceive to be a period where it was very "uncool" to be a man, it appears to be that we are finally making a strong resurgence back into mainstream society. Let me explain. You may have noticed that until very recently, (the last 10 years or so.) that you would be hard pressed to find a man on television with any type of facial hair. Let's face it, guy's faces get hairy and IF you can grow a decent beard & look good wearing it then by all means, more power to you. We have been represented in recent years in the fashion & advertising industry as hairless, fairly androgynous specimens devoid of testosterone. I'm happy that it seems we as men are making a strong comeback. I'm relieved to say that it can't come fast enough for me.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about cussing, drunken troglodytes. I'm talking about a rebirth of cool. Bringing back some of the traditional practices that our fathers & grandfathers exercised before us. Practices that once again solidify our place in our homes, our jobs, in society & in the hearts of our significant others.

I look forward to sharing some of my thoughts & hearing how you may feel as well. I'd like to use this blog as an open forum for discussion. Thanks for stopping by & getting to know what this is all about.
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