Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Shaving Tip Of The Week

What Causes Razor Bumps?

When you shave against the grain, you are pushing the hair and it starts growing under the skin. This creates bumps. So shave with the grain!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Welcome to Dangerously Sharp

Hello & welcome to Dangerously Sharp. Let me begin with a brief introduction followed by why I decided to start writing this column. I am a 32 year old, "Regular guy". By that I mean I am by no means rich, I am married and a have an 8 month old son & work a regular 9-5 type job. I'm writing this blog to share with all the other regular guys out there, (As well as anyone else interested in reading.) little tips & tricks, product reviews as well as opinions on topics such as; men's grooming & fashion, cooking & recipes as well as my point of view on women & relationships.

After several decades of what I perceive to be a period where it was very "uncool" to be a man, it appears to be that we are finally making a strong resurgence back into mainstream society. Let me explain. You may have noticed that until very recently, (the last 10 years or so.) that you would be hard pressed to find a man on television with any type of facial hair. Let's face it, guy's faces get hairy and IF you can grow a decent beard & look good wearing it then by all means, more power to you. We have been represented in recent years in the fashion & advertising industry as hairless, fairly androgynous specimens devoid of testosterone. I'm happy that it seems we as men are making a strong comeback. I'm relieved to say that it can't come fast enough for me.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about cussing, drunken troglodytes. I'm talking about a rebirth of cool. Bringing back some of the traditional practices that our fathers & grandfathers exercised before us. Practices that once again solidify our place in our homes, our jobs, in society & in the hearts of our significant others.

I look forward to sharing some of my thoughts & hearing how you may feel as well. I'd like to use this blog as an open forum for discussion. Thanks for stopping by & getting to know what this is all about.
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